Here’s a story from Lydia, a teen in one of our Restore Communities:

This past month our Restore Group has been going to the Alton Pointe Apartment complex to put on a small “VBS” type program for the kids that live there. The first week I went I wasn’t feeling good and I felt out of my comfort zone so I came home a bit disappointed. However, when we went back the second week instead of trying to fit in with the older kids I decided to hang out with the younger kids and we had a ton of them. They wanted to sit in my lap, and talk with me, and have me help them with their craft. In fact when we went to leave they said “Will you ever come back?” with such sweet faces, and I said, “Of course, I want to see your beautiful faces again next week!”

I came home from the second week really excited. In fact I couldn’t stop talking about how I felt. I felt like I really had a chance to make a difference and it confirmed in my heart a dream I’ve had for a long time, which is that I want to adopt some day. It was actually hard to leave the second time.

I felt the love of Jesus in the room and felt like I got to be His hands and feet to the kids that showed up. Which is an awesome feeling! I’m looking forward to our third week because now the kids are starting to know me and I’m starting to know them and be able to call them by name. In fact, even though I know I will only be there one more time for this program I hope we continue connecting with these kids somehow in the future. For the first time for me… I felt missional and not just a kid in the background. I felt God was using me and that’s an exhilarating feeling!

The weekly VBS that Lydia and her community led went so well that the community liaisons from the housing development asked them to keep coming. Beginning tonight, they will run a VBS program once a month at Alton Pointe. Please pray for them!

Lydia also used what she was learning in a recent pottery class to help her Restore Community connect with God through Communion. Here is a picture of Lydia with the communion vessels she made: